Privacy Policy

Dear Client,

Please receive our warmest greetings from behalf of the Seaman Solution’s team.

The European Union has implemented a new data protection and privacy regulation (the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679), which came into force on May 25, 2018. At Seaman Solutions we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and data that you have trusted us. As part of that commitment, we would like to inform you what data we collect from our customers, contacts and our reasons for keeping them.

We collect the following data:

  • The data required to process seafarer’s applications for seaman and Panama Merchant marine services that are required and imposed by international maritime agreements.
  • The name of your organization and its contact details such as address and e-mail.
  • Your name, your role within your company and your contact details such as email address and phone number.
  • Details of our interactions through emails; required documents for seaman book applications, pictures, events, invitations and files.
  • The necessary data to process all maritime services that our Consulate offer to Panama Flag vessels.

We use these data to:

  • Process all maritime services related to Panama Flag registry.
  • Keep a safe client database for updates in Panama Flag Registry services, including circulars, memorandums and international agreements.
  • Keep track of your business needs and better the engagement and cooperation with our Consulate.
  • Develop insights and strategies of our interactions to match our service to your requirements and business needs.
  • Send you emails related to regulations and legal information that we think you might find interest.

We keep your data as long as we are engaged with you and your organization. We regularly review all the information we gather and remove it once we see that our relationship has ended.

For our brokers company, please inform your direct clients of all the above information.

If you would like us to delete your data once your seaman certification has been fully issued, please fill in form below.