Dutch Seaman Book

What is a Dutch Seaman Book? A Dutch Seaman Book, officially known as a 'Seafarer’s Discharge Book' (in Dutch: Zeemansboekje), is a document issued by the Dutch maritime authorities to seafarers working on Dutch-flagged vessels. It serves as a record of a seafarer’s employment history, qualifications, and service at sea.

Processing Times & Fees

Choose the service that best fits your timeline

Provisional Service

Processing: 24-48 hours

Validity: 3 months

Express Service

Processing: 24-48 hours

Validity: 5 years

Standard Service

Processing: 3-4 weeks

Validity: 5 years

Maritime Services


Duplicate of Seaman Book

Replace Your Lost or Damaged Dutch Seaman Book. If your Dutch Seaman Book is lost, stolen, or damaged, you can get a duplicate to keep your maritime career on track without delay.


Proof of identity (passport)

Explanation of the circumstances of the loss, theft, or damage

Application for a duplicate (including supporting documents, such as a police report for lost or stolen books)

Proof of sea service (where possible)


New Seaman Book

Your Official Maritime Work Permit for Dutch-Registered Vessels. The Dutch Seaman Book is vital for seafarers on Dutch-flagged vessels, serving as proof of employment, recording sea service, and ensuring compliance with Dutch and international maritime laws.


Valid passport

Proof of employment or a job offer aboard a Dutch-registered vessel

Medical fitness certificate (complying with international maritime standards)

Completed application form


Seaman Book Renewal

Keep Your Seaman Book Valid and Up-to-Date. Renew your Dutch Seaman Book when it expires or all pages are filled to keep your qualifications and employment records up-to-date.


Original (expired or nearly full) Seaman Book

Valid passport

Proof of recent sea service or employment on a Dutch-flagged vessel

Medical fitness certificate (updated as required)


Recognition of Certificate of Competence (CoC)

Validate Your International Competency for Dutch Vessels. Seafarers with a foreign Certificate of Competence (CoC) must obtain recognition to work on Dutch-registered ships, ensuring compliance with Dutch and international regulations.


Valid foreign-issued Certificate of Competence (CoC)

Proof of sea service and qualifications

Medical fitness certificate

Application for CoC recognition