Panama Seaman Book – Must knows!

Seaman Solutions

Panama Seaman Book

Are there any restrictions for certain nationalities?

Only for the PHILIPPINES and INDIANS, it will be requested a complementary document to the file: Previous Documentary Evaluation (PDE)

Are there any restrictions for Medical Certificates ?

Medical Certificates must be signed and stamped by Physicians approved by the Seafarers’ Health Service.  For certain  countries, it is necessary to look for a “STCW AUTHORIZED DOCTOR”. OR we accept ALL Certificates issued by the MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY of a COUNTRY, recognized by STCW and MLC.  List of Authorised physicians

What is a Seaman Book (SB) ?

A Seaman Book (or Seaman service Record), also known as a Seaman’s Discharge Book, is a comprehensive document in which several details and aspects of the seaman’s professional life are stored. It looks much like a passport and is of the same size.

As the name suggests, the service record contains details of where, when, how, and which vessel the seafarer has served on.

This information is important not only for an individual’s record, but also for the government, prospective employers, and other members of the maritime industry, as well as immigration ports and authority.

How to get a Panama Seaman Book ?

By contacting Seaman Solutions broker specialized in the offshore maritime industry. Contact us at [email protected]

You can also create an account in our portal, and do your application online:

How long does it take to get a Panama Seaman Book ?

Once the candidate’s file is complete, it takes 48 hours to obtain a temporary electronic booklet valid for 3 months.For the final shipping book, it takes between 3 weeks and 3 months (generally 1 month)

What type of Seaman Book position for the offshore technician?

There is 3 different Seamans books applications for technicians, depending  your position onboard and your certificates.

1) Marine Technician (MT) sailing in International Waters (only possible to apply with Basic Safety Training)

2) Marine Technician Mobile Offshore Unit (MT MOU) (possible to apply with Basic Safety, BOSIET, HUET or FUET)

3) Marine Technician fixed platform (MTFP) (possible to apply with Basic Safety, BOSIET, HUET or FUET)

Seaman Solutions can provide you a Panama Seaman Book which allows you to board a vessel/barge/platform/FPSO, if you are a Seafarer working as technician in offshore industry.

This  Seaman Book will help you to obtain a working visa of the destination country, and enter/exit port state control . 

What is the Ship Security Awareness (SSA)?

The Security Awareness Training for Seafarers aims to raise awareness about the different security threats and how seafarers can maintain security on board of a ship. STCW Security Awareness training is mandatory for all seafarers working on board of vessels who do not have designated security duties.

What is the Ship Security Officer (SSO) ?

This is a specific individual person onboard the ship who is designated by the Company. The SSOreports to the Master for the overall management and oversight of all shipboard security policies, programs and procedures.

What is the Seafarer with Designated Security Duties (SDSD) ?

The certificate of Seafarer with Designated Security Duties (SDSD) means any seafarer who is designated to perform security duties, including anti-piracy and anti-armed robbery- related activities, in accordance with Regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention.

What is the BOSIET (approved OPITO) ?

The certificate BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) is the offshore survival certificate that offshore workers are required to obtain before setting foot on a helicopter and entering an offshore environment such as a rig or installation.

What is the FOET (approved OPITO) ?

The certificate FOET (Further Offshore Emergency Training) is also known as the BOSIET refresher.

What does OPITO mean ?

The abbreviation OPITO stands for Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization. OPITO was established in 1977 to ensure safety in the oil and gas industry.

How can I get started?

Apply for a pre evaluation or Seaman book:

By creating an account in our portal:

Call us at: +32 465 084 179

Inquiry if you have any questions to: [email protected]

Published: December 30, 2024

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